Economia - 19 dicembre 2020, 06:00

Best ideas for virtual office hours for modern students

Today virtual office hours are the commonly embraced learning strategy for many faculty and students.

ufficio per studenti modello

Today virtual office hours are the commonly embraced learning strategy for many faculty and students.  The digital practice has the backing of the current Covid-19 pandemic. Where institutions opt for online and hybrid classes to help reduce rising cases. There are slim chances for students to have one-on-one interactions with faculty and each other—however, many faculty members from renowned colleges and universities. Report low numbers of students during office hours even before the pandemic.  The physical and manual engagement has been replaced by virtual interaction.  Surprisingly, the online office hours work better, with many students scheduling an appointment with their faculty leaders.      

Attending office hours has shown significant academic improvement.  The chances help students interact and know their instructors or faculty better.  Students can utilize different sources, such as Video, audio, or live chat. However, to get the best out of the virtual programs, students need to feel comfortable to reach out to you. To make an effective program, there are some ideas one needs to implement. 

  • Invest in technology 

To leap more from the virtual office hours, you need to get a great and advanced virtual tool. Several platforms ease online engagement. Create or set up a link at the beginning of the semester and use it throughout the term.  Some of the tools offer to wait for room services to deal with some students in private while others wait. Use tools with improvised features to make learning easy. 

  • Consistency in the program

Consistency in the virtual office hours is significant. It builds confidence among the student who knows they can access you whenever needed.  Ensure to have your link on the syllabus, office door, LMS lecture tools, and PowerPoint slides. This reminds the students about the link, and they should make an appointment. 

Use direct login links to help the student meet you at a specific time. Utilize the tools which offer an easy signup process. Create opportunities for students to meet you; these will give them a reason to come back.  It's more effective if you give students the chance to choose when you can be available. Providing them with the up decision hand makes them responsible and will take advantage of the virtual programs. 

  • Motivation the students

Students love lively activities, which makes them come back each time. A high number of students would attend office hours if they enjoyed their time.  You can motivate the student by rewarding or playing games in line with the course content.  The fun keeps the students active and helps in understanding the content.  You can develop games using online or Computer resources such as publisher materials.  Introduce online and traditional quizzing tools. The students can use pictures, videos, and webs links to participating. 

The games are not just for fun but educative and formative assessment activity.  It guides the faculty on where the student is with the course content. Here lecture or faculty can learn the strength and weaknesses of each student. 

  • Build connections

Virtual office hours are sometimes hard to manage. Sometimes students mightn't appear at all. These should frustrate you. Make the moment productive by building connections with the students. Recall the previous class and check on what each student achieved or contributed. You can send emails of acknowledgment to appreciate all those who participated.  If a student missed the classes, ensure to email and let them know they are missed.  You can provide the links for items recorded for the student to check out later. 

Recognize your student talents using the free office hours. Send individual emails to the students and remind them about their courses. What is expected and next semester's programs? Show concern to a student struggling in different areas? You can also provide an assignment for the student to come up with the next session's content. These give a sense of belonging and engagement, thus building strong connections with your students. 

Benefits of virtual office hours

  • Flexibility 

The virtual classes are flexible for both students and faculty. There is no need for physical presence. They only need active internet and smart devices.  Students don't learn or discuss course content at the select time according to their schedule. 

  • No physical barrier 

The virtual office hours removes the need for a physical meeting location. It's comfortable for students who find it hard to ask or discuss questions in person.  They can use audio calls, text, and emails to reach you than when in meeting face-to-face.

  • Real-time problem solving 

Students will have to take note and apply later for physical classes when they get a computer or laptop. However, in virtual programs, the systems are advance. You can enable screen sharing and also open other websites solving the problems together. 

  • Encourages community learning

 The virtual platform helps students and faculty meet and discuss as a team. They can use live Video conferencing tools. The media will show the questions and content asked by others. Here they can solve the problems together, which makes it easy. For physical programs, the lecture or instructor needs to take a few students at different times. 

Virtual office hours is the best option for both student and faculty. However, it might challenge a few students who don't have access to digital tools. The programs are significant in education progression during pandemic times and beyond.

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