Festival di Sanremo - 09 febbraio 2019, 10:04

Interview with Giavanni Berrino: “you could make the difference”

These last days all the guests explained how it is important to focus on the political career,expecially the assessor Berrino showed some jobs not developed yet,such as artificial intelligence that would create jobs.

Interview with Giavanni Berrino: “you could make the difference”


Yesterday the project “Sanremo News International” continued with the interview of the assessor Giovanni Berrino that encourage the guys to propose new ideas for the city of Sanremo to makes it better for the new generations. In addition they asked if the festival promote the tourism and the environment; infact  Rai (the italian state broadcaster) show images of the city to advertise the most famous event...the Festival.

These last days all the guests explained how it is important to focus on the political career,expecially the assessor Berrino showed some jobs not developed yet,such as artificial intelligence that would create jobs.

“Don't forget to think about the future...your political career could make the differrece".

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Stefania Orengo in collaborazione con Lisa Maria Ciocchetti

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